Remember the Coolidge-lesson

Why, do you ask? It is simple, really; Jennifer Coolidge has made it cool to be her authentic self in the spotlight. She has made is totally ok to not fit in to the regular definition of perfect. She is in her sixties and taking and owning her space in the public room.

It is great to see her being praised for her achievements. If you have watched the HBO-show the White Lotus, you know Jennifer Coolidge, who plays a very rich and insecure woman. Coolidge has been awarded a Golden Globe for her role.

To others she is known for her roles in Legally Blond, American Pie and now, recently starring together with Jennifer Lopez in the action-comedy Shotgun Wedding.

Her comeback started with Coolidge responding to the mega-popstar Ariana Grandes imitation of her, not expecting any response on the Instagram message. But Ariana answered the message and the ball started rolling.

The way I see it; Coolidge is doing her comeback with authenticity and grace, not trying to be younger or slimmer or fitter; she is herself. She ignores the “standard” and accepts and loves her mind and body. That takes strength and determination. And maturity.

Coolidge represents to me a kind of sweet revenge. She is getting back at everyone, and those who did not cast her for a long time. And everyone else who put pressure on women at all ages.

Coolidge is opening up the room for women to be who they are and to be living a full life at any stages in life. She is not apologizing; she is not trying to be someone else and to fit in to the definition of a perfect woman.

In the White Lotus, her character allows herself to enjoy the pleasures in life without hesitations. In real life she is making it totally ok to be exactly who you are and own it.

Coolidge seems to not obsess with looking younger, she is cool, funny and confident in the public room. She has self-irony and must surely make people self-reflect on how they have treated her before her return to fame, after a time outside the spotlight. I certainly hope so.

When getting on stage to receive the Golden Globe, Coolidge joked about not working out too much, and by that taking a step away from the size 6 hysteria. She is making the public room for women larger and more diverse.

Another issue she subtly addressed on stage in Hollywood is how she now is being seen as smart and cool because the White Lotus is a hit. Therefore, her neighbors started talking to her again.

I am sorry that she had to experience this, and I wonder how she really feels about the people who previously ignored her and now suddenly want to step into her light.

My lesson is that you must treat people nicely, always. Because you will never know what will happen and where you will cross paths in the future.

Coolidge has done a tremendous comeback as a leading lady in entertainment. She is the ultimate IT-girl now and will remain so for a long time. This is a true reminder that you can always be relevant. As a woman the future is yours, at any age. You can live the dream and own it.

Remember the Coolidge lesson; don’t stand back and tell yourself you cannot do it. You always can, it is never too late. That idea is SO inspiring!

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)


A call for more Authenticity.


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